What are your guidelines for non-affiliated visitors, such as military recruiters or solicitors, within the library?


Military recruiters have access to any areas generally available to students and the community that are public spaces and open to free speech. Additionally, they may contact FMO to reserve a space on campus for their recruitment. However, indoor spaces are not included in this, and our AR expressly calls out libraries and learning centers as off limits. Per our Speech and Advocacy AR 3900:

Areas generally available to students and the community

  • Except as specified herein, the District shall not restrict free expression, including the distribution of petitions, handbills, leaflets, newspapers, and other printed matter, in “areas generally available to students and the community.” As used in this regulation, “areas generally available to students and the community” are defined as grassy areas, walkways, or other similar common areas, except as otherwise authorized by law, Board Policy 3900 or this Administrative Regulation. The areas generally available to students and the community are designated public forums.
  • “Areas generally available to students and the community” do not include the following areas, which are non-public forums:
  • Areas within 25 feet of doorways opening to outdoor areas of campus.
  • All “Interior District Property,” which is defined for purposes of this regulation to include all interior portions of District facilities, including, without limitation, administration buildings, classrooms, libraries, learning centers, indoor cafeteria/food service facilities, lecture halls, radio station(s), broadcasting center(s), television center, laboratories, computer rooms, research centers, communication centers, offices, performing art facilities, indoor athletic facilities, warehouses, maintenance buildings, and areas within the outdoor athletic facilities, parking lots, and maintenance yards.
  • Last Updated Sep 19, 2024
  • Views 9
  • Answered By Jon Gilliom

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