What are the fees for lost or damaged library items?


Late Items

The Library does not charge late fees on any items, except Reserves. Reserve books that are not returned by the due date accrue $5 for each day the item is not returned.


Lost/Damaged Items

Users will be charged a replacement fee and a $10 processing fee for lost or damaged materials. Users may provide a replacement copy themselves rather than pay the replacement and processing fees. Please see the Circulation Desk for details, some restrictions apply.

The replacement fee is based on the purchase price the Library paid. If purchase data is not available, the amount in the table below is applied, based on the item format.

List of replacement fees based on material type
Item Type Cost
Book - paperback (small) $5.00
Book - paperback (large) $15.00
Book $20.00
Magazine $3.00
Newspaper $1.50
CD $5.00
DVD $5.00
Calculator $15.00 (price may vary based on supplier)
Headphones $20.00 (price may vary based on supplier)
Phone chargers - cable $20.00 (price may vary based on supplier)
  • Last Updated Sep 19, 2024
  • Views 11
  • Answered By Jon Gilliom

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