What are your computer lab guidelines?
The Library has 46 PCs loaded with Microsoft Office 2016 (Word, Access, Excel and PowerPoint). There are additional computers in Tutoring Services LRC 207. Data is not stored on these computers. You must use a flash or thumb drive (USB) to save your work.
Acceptable Use Policy of the South Orange County Community College District: Use of computers is intended for academic and curricular pursuits, and personal enrichment. Abuse of District Policy may result in suspension of Internet access. SOCCCD Board Policy 4000.2(link is external)
You may use any of the Library computers to surf the web, do research, write papers, or print documents. Please note that you should not save any information to the Library computers. All information is erased after you logout.
For questions and concerns contact Student Technical Support.
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Monday - Thursday 8 am - 8 pm
Friday 8 am - 2 pm